Dr. Karim's "virtual cone," which spins
in angles, according to spectral calibration.
"What is Radiesthesia?
Radiesthesia is the science of using vibrational fields of the body to access information about animate or inanimate objects by establishing resonance with their energy fields, using specially calibrated instruments, on a qualitative scale, to decode this information.
What are Bio-Signatures?
Developed by Dr. Ibrahim Karim, an Egyptian architect who has researched radiesthesia for many years, Bio-Signatures are linear diagrams that by virtue of their design properties directly affect the energy of body organs and their functions.
BioSignatures are activated by the body’s peripheral energy, channeled through these special shapes that simulate the electrical path within different body organs. The flow of energy through the patterns enters into resonance with the functions of the organ they represent, as similar patterns attune—much like the tuning of musical instruments—causing a harmonic amplification which restores the correct balance within the organ. This correction is instantaneous on the energy level. To manifest on the physical, however, it may take longer, depending on the nature of the problem and the state of the organ concerned.
How does this work?
The human spinal cord is like a wire with an electric current running through it. When two energy fields are in resonance, either by proximity or selective focusing, they will modify each other, affecting the current running through the central nervous system and its networking functions.
In Radiesthesia, we are not bound by time and space. We are working on a vibrational level. The best way to illustrate this is on the level of our sense of hearing. We have a process of selectively hearing certain sounds and tuning out others (as every mother knows who has told her child to clean his room). By “tuning in,” we are using a qualitative scale to measure interactions in relation to the human vibrational field.
What is a “qualitative scale?” Quality measurements have shown that vibrational energies have the characteristic of repeating themselves at higher octaves without losing the essence of the vibrational quality. This we understand from the laws of harmonics in music. In Radiesthesia, instruments sensitive to the physical vibrational qualities of the musical scale are calibrated on the color scale. Each color that we perceive emanates a unique vibration that excites the optic nerve, sending coded messages to our brain.
Like musical notes that have repetitive vibrational qualities (where every 7th note will vibrate even on a different instrument in close proximity through resonance), colors have vibrational properties that resonate on higher harmonics that are not visible to our perception. Using the characteristics of musical and color scales interchangeably, instruments sensitive to these vibrational qualities are the basis of radiesthesia measurements. These can range from simple calibrated pendular instruments (which I use) to complex electronic devices; but they all ultimately function as extensions of the human energy system."
..........quote from Dr. Karim's lesson material
Is it necessary to work on both the home and the body?
Yes. The energy field around the human body constantly changes as we move. It collides with the earth’s own energy and that of electrical and cellular technology, adversely affecting our bodily functions. With Biogeometrical energy (the balancing energy quality produced by any shape or color), the energy fields are strengthened, avoiding detrimental repercussions of effects of other energy fields.
Dr. Ibrahim Karim, past Minister of Architecture of Egypt, with whom I studied at the Int’l. Institute of Bau-Biologie and Ecology in Florida, has developed his research of BioGeometry & Radiesthesia over the past 35 years, taking up from where French scientists of the 1930s and ‘40s left off. At that time, it was called Microvibrational Physics. They studied dowsing instruments used down through the ages, beginning with the ancient Egyptians and continuing through medieval times with those used by monks. They found that all the pyramids, temples, cathedrals and other sacred shrines were built on energy power spots. They experimented with the Egyptian “Wadj” and other pendular instruments, (see photo, below), calibrating them to different quality scales, and found that they could “tune in” to these vibrations. However, it is also possible to tune in to the vertical waves, called carrier waves, which penetrate the earth and are dangerous for biological life. It is because of these carrier waves that our technology has the capability of transmitting images and sounds around the world instantaneously. But it is at the expense of our overall health: too much of this earth radiation causes cancer and many other ailments. It has been said that the Information Age could cause global destruction; but if we only knew how to neutralize the vertical energy and make it beneficent, it could issue in the Golden Age.
Dr. Karim has worked diligently to find a way to create this balance. His discoveries have caused quite a reaction in his own country and in Europe. Humbly asserting that he is an architect, not a doctor, he nevertheless has assisted many people in realizing full physical health. He has successfully shown benefits in agricultural and architectural applications, as well.
How much do we know about harmful earth radiation, toxins in building materials, or electromagnetic fields?
Do you instinctively shy away from using technological devices? Could it be that you are sensing the electromagnetic fields they produce? Since these devices are probably in our lives to stay, what can be done about any ill effects to our health?
For an energy balancing of your home and body, call Dorethy Hancock, 785-246-0860, or fill out form, below:
Radiesthesia is the science of using vibrational fields of the body to access information about animate or inanimate objects by establishing resonance with their energy fields, using specially calibrated instruments, on a qualitative scale, to decode this information.
What are Bio-Signatures?
Developed by Dr. Ibrahim Karim, an Egyptian architect who has researched radiesthesia for many years, Bio-Signatures are linear diagrams that by virtue of their design properties directly affect the energy of body organs and their functions.
BioSignatures are activated by the body’s peripheral energy, channeled through these special shapes that simulate the electrical path within different body organs. The flow of energy through the patterns enters into resonance with the functions of the organ they represent, as similar patterns attune—much like the tuning of musical instruments—causing a harmonic amplification which restores the correct balance within the organ. This correction is instantaneous on the energy level. To manifest on the physical, however, it may take longer, depending on the nature of the problem and the state of the organ concerned.
How does this work?
The human spinal cord is like a wire with an electric current running through it. When two energy fields are in resonance, either by proximity or selective focusing, they will modify each other, affecting the current running through the central nervous system and its networking functions.
In Radiesthesia, we are not bound by time and space. We are working on a vibrational level. The best way to illustrate this is on the level of our sense of hearing. We have a process of selectively hearing certain sounds and tuning out others (as every mother knows who has told her child to clean his room). By “tuning in,” we are using a qualitative scale to measure interactions in relation to the human vibrational field.
What is a “qualitative scale?” Quality measurements have shown that vibrational energies have the characteristic of repeating themselves at higher octaves without losing the essence of the vibrational quality. This we understand from the laws of harmonics in music. In Radiesthesia, instruments sensitive to the physical vibrational qualities of the musical scale are calibrated on the color scale. Each color that we perceive emanates a unique vibration that excites the optic nerve, sending coded messages to our brain.
Like musical notes that have repetitive vibrational qualities (where every 7th note will vibrate even on a different instrument in close proximity through resonance), colors have vibrational properties that resonate on higher harmonics that are not visible to our perception. Using the characteristics of musical and color scales interchangeably, instruments sensitive to these vibrational qualities are the basis of radiesthesia measurements. These can range from simple calibrated pendular instruments (which I use) to complex electronic devices; but they all ultimately function as extensions of the human energy system."
..........quote from Dr. Karim's lesson material
Is it necessary to work on both the home and the body?
Yes. The energy field around the human body constantly changes as we move. It collides with the earth’s own energy and that of electrical and cellular technology, adversely affecting our bodily functions. With Biogeometrical energy (the balancing energy quality produced by any shape or color), the energy fields are strengthened, avoiding detrimental repercussions of effects of other energy fields.
Dr. Ibrahim Karim, past Minister of Architecture of Egypt, with whom I studied at the Int’l. Institute of Bau-Biologie and Ecology in Florida, has developed his research of BioGeometry & Radiesthesia over the past 35 years, taking up from where French scientists of the 1930s and ‘40s left off. At that time, it was called Microvibrational Physics. They studied dowsing instruments used down through the ages, beginning with the ancient Egyptians and continuing through medieval times with those used by monks. They found that all the pyramids, temples, cathedrals and other sacred shrines were built on energy power spots. They experimented with the Egyptian “Wadj” and other pendular instruments, (see photo, below), calibrating them to different quality scales, and found that they could “tune in” to these vibrations. However, it is also possible to tune in to the vertical waves, called carrier waves, which penetrate the earth and are dangerous for biological life. It is because of these carrier waves that our technology has the capability of transmitting images and sounds around the world instantaneously. But it is at the expense of our overall health: too much of this earth radiation causes cancer and many other ailments. It has been said that the Information Age could cause global destruction; but if we only knew how to neutralize the vertical energy and make it beneficent, it could issue in the Golden Age.
Dr. Karim has worked diligently to find a way to create this balance. His discoveries have caused quite a reaction in his own country and in Europe. Humbly asserting that he is an architect, not a doctor, he nevertheless has assisted many people in realizing full physical health. He has successfully shown benefits in agricultural and architectural applications, as well.
How much do we know about harmful earth radiation, toxins in building materials, or electromagnetic fields?
Do you instinctively shy away from using technological devices? Could it be that you are sensing the electromagnetic fields they produce? Since these devices are probably in our lives to stay, what can be done about any ill effects to our health?
For an energy balancing of your home and body, call Dorethy Hancock, 785-246-0860, or fill out form, below: